The day before we left Davle there was a change in the location of our accommodation, so we knew our families were waiting in St Austell on the southern coast of Cornwall instead of Newquay on the opposite side.
We had a long journey ahead of us but we managed to make it more interesting (and bearable) by stopping first at the ruins of Corfe Castle above the picturesque village of Corfe that is typical for the county of Devon.
Next we drove on to the town of Exeter to visit the cathedral and wander around before all the shops closed - food was eaten, clothes were bought and all were satisfied.
Everybody is looking forward to our first hot dinner prepared by host families and spending less time on the bus in the next couple of days!
Prosíme o kontrolu věcí ve ztrátách a nálezech. Máme zde hromady oblečení a bot. Co zde zůstane, bude po pátku 7.6.2024 odvezeno. Věci jsou v dolních šatnách u vchodu. Děkujeme za spolupráci! Fotky jsou v galerii níže.

We were happy because we spent the afternoon walking around the historic UNESCO town of Bruges in Belgium and took a relaxing boat trip to finish the day.
After a few hours sleep at our hotel in Calais we are sleepily waiting to get on the ferry, current time 4:21am!
We are looking forward to our first day in England. More info coming soon!