
big benNobody was happy about the early start to get to London at lunchtime, but everyone was there in the morning saying sad goodbyes to their host family. All pupils were complimented on their English and behaviour and we were equally happy with friendliness and kindness of all people in the southwest.

We travelled to the centre of London by catamaran to see the sights from the Thames and then did a quick walking tour before our ride on the London eye. Then on to Covent Garden for artist performances, Chinatown for lunch, and finally Leicester Square and Piccadilly for photos and shopping.
We managed at least one trip by London underground - it's small, hot and confusing - back to the bus to make the Eurostar train and start our long journey home.
Overall a fantastic trip, pupils were great from all three schools but we are now looking forward to being back home soon!
It's all over for another year but see you again Britain in 2025!

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londnToday we had a more relaxing time and after a short bus ride we arrived at St Michael's Mount to sunshine and salty sea air. The tide was out so we could walk across to the immaculately kept island and castle.

The second stop of the day was the most western point of Great Britain, Land's End, and finally we stopped in Penzance to climb rocks on the beach, shell hunt, sunbathe and some brave souls took a paddle in the sea.
It was a warm sunny day that everyone enjoyed, including a birthday surprise for one of our drivers, and a great way to end our time in Cornwall. We went back to our families knowing it was the last time, so we had to make the most of it.
Tomorrow we are off to the big city - London is calling

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hraV dnešní hodině německého jazyka si žáci ze 7.B zábavnou formou prověřili znalosti získané během školního roku.

Při deskové hře tvořili otázky, v dominu si procvičili určování času, skládali také puzzle s otázkami a odpověďmi a na Wordwallu poznávali zvířata.  "Spaß muss doch sein"

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